Different cultures might have different ‘cultural scripts’ (schemas) for what ‘learning English’ entails.
Unfortunately, in practice this can also mean that the context in which you are teaching might expect that you use certain activities, pedagogies, etc. that you KNOW aren’t effective (i.e. confusing, boring, demotivating for the learners).
I’ve taught in various cultures and can now notice this effect more clearly. For example, in some schools spelling bees are still a huge fad, are overused, but kind of ‘expected’ by the stakeholders (parents, school directors), or even the learners themselves.
Sometimes it’s hard to push back against such ‘sacred local cows’, but we CAN (and should) try to embed them into more meaningful teaching, whenever possible.
What’s ONE game, task, or activity that’s very common in YOUR teaching context but you either avoid it when planning your IELTS lessons, or ‘tweak’ it somehow, to be less of a drag?
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Hi. I’m Fatime. I’m an IELTS Teacher Trainer, helping CELTA-qualified English language teachers become better at teaching SKILLS, as opposed to just testing them.
Check out my courses here:
How to Teach IELTS Listening:
How to Teach IELTS Reading:
How to Teach IELTS Writing:
How to Teach IELTS Speaking: