Anytime when I hear an amazing story about #learnerautonomy, I perk up.
Yesterday was no exception either, reading about a teacher’s student, who would regularly sneak into her office and did all the work the night before class.
When caught, he explained that he needed quiet time to think about the elements of the lesson, and he needed to do it himself without anyone else around him.
I find this story doubly impressive.
1) He was able to explain why he did it.
2) He was brave enough to ‘defend’ his own ‘learning’/personality style.
Just another reminder that our learners are DIFFERENT.
Some are more sensory sensitive (introverted), some more sociable.
Some love ‘surprises’, some hate them.
And they all have the right to be THEMSELVES.
In other words, it is on US to keep trying to cater to a variety of learner needs and not just in terms of CONTENT, but DELIVERY as well.
When was the last time you consciously differentiated your teaching in terms of DELIVERY?
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Hi. I’m Fatime. I’m an IELTS Teacher Trainer, helping CELTA-qualified English language teachers become better at teaching SKILLS, as opposed to just testing them.
Check out my courses here:
How to Teach IELTS Listening:
How to Teach IELTS Reading:
How to Teach IELTS Writing:
How to Teach IELTS Speaking: