Are your IELTS learners struggle with READING?
Are you actually TEACHING them reading? …
Check out what an IELTS teacher, Mila Kunych had to say about my course, How to Teach IELTS Reading:
“I signed up for your course, How to Teach IELTS Reading because I work as an IELTS trainer at a language school, and I’d like to help my students receive a higher score in IELTS Reading.
Having done the course I’ve developed a certain level of awareness that my students need to delve deeper and work on multiple micro-skills in a more profound way than comprehensive textbooks can suggest.
My students may become more conscious of what skills they need to improve. This approach may influence their critical thinking positively. If my learners make progress in reading, they will gain more confidence.
My biggest ‘aha’ moment was when you articulated that indeed we never teach reading skills students need for IELTS in General English classes. I used to think this way about IELTS Writing. Now I see clearly that students can’t rely a lot on their previous experience with reading as they don’t actually have it. I used to attribute students’ low performance to a low level of English in general and my previous solution was to improve a language level, mostly by increasing vocabulary.
Overall, the course is very meticulously organised. I can only imagine how much work you’ve done. In fact, that’s what we expect from our students. By drawing attention to so many subskills, you demonstrated how careful students should be if they are aiming for a higher score. By way of example, I’d like to mention your PDF about quantifiers and how they modify the original phrase.
I’d say the course is “rewarding”, “educational” and also “thorough/meticulous”. By using nouns, I’d mention “focus/details/concentration”.
I’d highly recommend the course. The only remark is that a teacher shouldn’t be a complete newbie. I’d say that this course is targeted at those who have already been working in this area and want to go further.
The double question in sentence completion task came as a surprise to me as I haven’t been familiar with this type before or overlooked it. Thank you!
I especially liked the PDF “Same meaning, different grammar” where you say “Besides helping your learners notice that change in grammatical form is to be expected from text to question, and that the three types (of word class, plural nouns and active/passive voice) in the exercises are most common, it is important to draw their attention to the fact that other changes in grammatical form are possible too.” This seems very important to me, and I’m happy that you articulated it clearly. In most cases, in class, teachers and students just do the task without spending enough time to analyse the results and look at the test from the test writer’s point of view”.
Have you done the course yet?
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Hi. I’m Fatime. I’m an IELTS Teacher Trainer, helping CELTA-qualified English language teachers become better at teaching SKILLS, as opposed to just testing them.
Check out my courses here:
How to Teach IELTS Listening:
How to Teach IELTS Reading:
How to Teach IELTS Writing:
How to Teach IELTS Speaking: