We talk a lot about TEACHER HEROES here, who are trained, motivated, (….know the difference between testing and teaching… ;)), and just in general, would give ANYTHING for their students to succeed in the IELTS exam.

And I feel that sometimes there’s less talk of STUDENT HEROES. <3

When I think back on my years, (decades, oops) in the classroom, a couple totally devoted (bordering on maniac, really :D) students come to mind.

Men with families (3 small kids at home), who would to class every day after work, and doing heavy duty homework during every night afterwards, EVERY night; sometimes for months on end (while sorting their visas, etc.) … 

Watching all this hard work would often make me think I simply wouldn’t have had the stamina and sheer brain power to pull all this off, TBH…

Kudos to them all! <3

Who was the one (IELTS) student whose dedication has inspired you the most so far? Send this to an IELTS student or teacher hero that you admire! 😉

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