“…I prefer teaching reports, because it was a challenge for me to get my head around when I started teaching them (I’d never had to report on a chart or diagram before), I had to learn the tricks from scratch myself, so passing on that learning is very rewarding. Also, explaining to the students that they don’t have to do complicated math calculations always makes me happy!”
This is from an English teacher, Lucy Thorogood, who seems to have also noticed that…
…sometimes what makes us great at TEACHING a thing (a language, a language exam, a part of a language exam as above, etc.) is having OVERCOME the same hurdle successfully before.
This is because having walked the SAME PATH can contribute to us (more instinctively) knowing our way around the SKILL (problem, etc.)
What’s ONE example from your life where you first solved a thing (MASTERED a skill, overcame a problem, etc.) and are now more confident about helping others too?
#showmehow #skillsfirst #skillsmatter #IELTSTeacherTrainer #TeachingIELTSafterCELTA
#IELTSreports #IELTSwriting
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Hi. I’m Fatime. I’m an IELTS Teacher Trainer, helping CELTA-qualified English language teachers become better at teaching SKILLS, as opposed to just testing them.