Another question I keep getting from teachers is this.
“I often hear people comparing IELTS to other Cambridge exams such FCE, CAE or CPE who would be undermining the complexity of the IELTS exam. I think, however, that IELTS can be tricky and definitely is not less challenging than other exams. What do you think?”
IMO, people assume that just because IELTS is shorter and doesn’t have (an explicit…) Use of English paper as such, it’s also easier.
And boy are they in for a SURPRISE… 😀 :D)
I think the exam is actually MORE challenging exactly BECAUSE it’s about SKILLS ONLY…
i.e. zero ‘LANGUAGE GYMNASTICS’, as I like to call Use of English kinds of tasks… :))
What do you think? Is IELTS more, or less challenging than other exams?
#showmehow #skillsfirst #IELTSTeacherTrainer #TeachingIELTSafterCELTA