If you are an #Enneagram Type 4, 6 or 8 (the so-called ‘truth-teller’ Types) the invitation for you is to practice ‘titrating your’ truth.

Even though it might not ‘instinctively’ (=ego!) feel right to do so, at times it’s a good idea to consider your ‘truth’s impact on your environment first.

There are situations in life where the ‘right’ thing strategically is to hold back a little –for your own and everybody’s good.

Are you a ‘truth-teller’ Type?

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Hi, I’m Fatime. 

I talk about the #Enneagram, #personality and #coaching.

I help introverted entrepreneurs (edupreneurs, solopreneurs and coaches) become better at promoting their services on social media by understanding and using personality to get more clients.

Want to know more?

1) Follow me on LinkedIn!

2) Follow me on Substack!

3) Message me if you would like a free overview of the 9 #personality Types!

4) Schedule a free Type and Instinct Exploration Session!