Talking over others –something introverts and #Enneagram Body Types really hate– is often a sign of fear either on the
–individual level
or the
–collective (–i.e. broader ‘culture’, in a country, region, company, family, etc.)
An amazing hack to avoid being talked over I learned from Jennifer B. Kahnweiler’s book,
The Introverted Leader –Building on Your Quiet Strength– is to get into the habit of prefacing what you want to say with phrases like ‘I have TWO key comments to make’.
Are you trying this?
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Hi, I’m Fatime.
I talk about the #Enneagram, #personality and #coaching.
I help introverted entrepreneurs (edupreneurs, solopreneurs and coaches) become better at promoting their services on social media by understanding and using personality to get more clients.
Want to know more?
1) Follow me on LinkedIn!
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3) Message me if you would like a free PDF overview of the 9 #personality Types!
4) Schedule a free Type and Instinct Exploration Session!