For anything meaningful and ‘big’ to grow in life (e.g. long-term goals, etc.), commitment is needed.
#Enneagram Type 6s and 7s often struggle with commitment but in opposite ways –sometimes leading to the same (negative) outcomes.
Type 6s in an effort to provide others with the loyal support they so desire for themselves as well can end up ‘accidentally’ (=unconsciously) overcommitting themselves. This can then lead to them dropping the ball on their (several!) projects, or showing up for them below standard.
Type 7s treasure freedom above all else and fear getting ‘trapped’. If they don’t heal (recognize) this aspect of their #personality, they might become ‘serial dabblers’ in a lot of things, but often not taking any of them too seriously, or not for long enough to see results.
What’s one thing you are committed to? Do your daily actions back it up too?
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Hi, I’m Fatime.
I talk about the #Enneagram, #personality and #coaching.
I help introverted entrepreneurs (edupreneurs, solopreneurs and coaches) become better at promoting their services on social media by understanding and using personality to get more clients.
Want to know more?
1) Follow me on LinkedIn!
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3) Message me if you would like a free PDF overview of the 9 #personality Types!
4) Schedule a free Type and Instinct Exploration Session!