Compared to other #personality typologies and wisdom systems the #Enneagram stands out by a mile because it doesn’t just give us a flat description of a set of behaviors and characteristics.
Instead, it shows us how our core motivations (goals, fear and triggers) can evolve or ‘deteriorate’ (i.e. become less ‘noble’ and more selfish and destructive e.g. as we lose presence and become less emotionally and psychologically healthy), as well as how we can ‘ascend’ or ‘descend’ with these deep inner personal drives of ours.
The #Enneagram is a 3D map to human potential.
It’s a dynamic system that helps us notice what’s possible for each Type, what exact steps to take to get there, and what to pay special attention to –by moving towards (=taking on the healthy characteristics of) another Type along our ‘Lines’.
It has width and depth as well by showing us our exact starting point both in terms of Type and Levels of Health while also giving us tips on how to move forward.
Which of these features is your favorite?
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Hi, I’m Fatime.
I talk about the #Enneagram, #personality and #coaching.
I help introverted entrepreneurs (edupreneurs, solopreneurs and coaches) become better at promoting their services on social media by understanding and using personality to get more clients.
Want to know more?
1) Follow me on LinkedIn!
2) Follow me on Substack!
3) Message me if you would like a free PDF overview of the 9 #personality Types!
4) Schedule a free Type and Instinct Exploration Session!