The three #Enneagram Centers of Intelligence are all primarily concerned with different things.

Body Center Types (Types 8, 9, 1) are motivated by seeking / protecting their 






Heart Center Types (Types 2, 3, 4) want 







Head Types (Types 5, 6, 7) need







Which Center Types ‘ask’ the following questions?


–What is going to happen to me? 

–How am I going to survive? How will I move forward?

–Do I know where I am going?

–Can I trust the ground I am standing on?

–Am I backed up here?


–Can I do what I want? 

–Am I getting what I need? 

–Is it fair?

–Do I have my freedom to act?   

–Are my boundaries respected?


–Am I cherished here?

–Do you see me? 

–Do you understand me?

–Do you get me?

–Do you like me? 

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Hi, I’m Fatime. 

I talk about the #Enneagram, #personality and #coaching.

I help introverted entrepreneurs (edupreneurs, solopreneurs and coaches) become better at promoting their services on social media by understanding and using personality to get more clients.

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3) Message me if you would like a free PDF overview of the 9 #personality Types!

4) Schedule a free Type and Instinct Exploration Session!