I have a favorite cosmetics brand. I love their products and have been using them for decades, wherever I was living at the time (–yay globalization).

I’m super loyal to them, AND… their Mexican website is a cluster f*^# of UX. :((

They don’t keep me logged in/don’t recognize me when I click on the same link.

They don’t welcome me back either, obviously… 😀

Once logged in, they show me age old orders, with the captions ‘delivery pending’, just to confuse the f out of me.

They don’t recommend me RELEVANT novelties.

They regularly ask me to fill in my address, card details, etc. again and again and AGAIN…

They offer check out coupons that don’t work, then make me freak out that I’ll be charged for these ‘gifts’…

Now, I wouldn’t have really expected any of these features 5-10 years ago when shopping online, because AI wasn’t much of a thing yet.

But today, when I’m used to a much smoother shopping experience with other companies online, these glitches stand out like a sore thumb. So much so that although I love their products, I’m buying much less from them then I would, if they had an up-to-date site.

And the same goes for various industries. 

You can either be a neophiliac, a ‘trailblazer’ in your field, e.g. teaching IELTS like few do, through focusing on SKILLS, not just teaching academic vocab or grammar excessively, or administering past paper after past paper without much scaffolded sub-skills awareness raising…

…or you can stay put, and then hurry to play catch up when the field has evolved around you.

Either way, the trends that work, WILL replace old ones that don’t, and then you WILL have to change your ways to try to (!) stay in the game –a much less ideal position.

If you are interested in paving the way instead, click ‘Bootcamp’ for further details on my upcoming (4 Nov to 3 Dec) cohort of ‘How to Teach IELTS –The Ultimate IELTS Teacher Training Bootcamp–’.


#ieltsteacher, #IELTSTeacherTrainer, #IELTSTeacherTraining, #ELTskillsteacher

