“I did not expect to find so many documents, materials, and resources. It was a pleasant surprise”.
Are you looking for an IELTS teacher training course as part of your 2023 #CPD? Did you know that if you take my IELTS teacher training course, How to Teach IELTS –The Ultimate Teacher Training Bootcamp–, you don’t only get fresh IDEAS and a whole new approach to teaching IELTS, but a lot of classroom RESOURCES as well, to use with your learners?
Check out what else this other bootcamper from France had to say about the course here!
(The course is becoming MODULAR, i.e. Listening, Reading, Writing and Speaking can be taken separately, and fully ASYNCHRONOUS to allow for self-study! DM me if you want to take any or all of the modules as part of your 2023 #CPD! ;))
#showmehow #skillsfirst #IELTSTeacherTrainer #TeachingIELTSafterCELTA