There’s always so, SO much to be thankful for, in any (ANY!) moment in life. (It does take SKILL to learn this though…).
This year I’m especially thankful for all the LEARNING that starting my own ‘eduprize’ has been providing me with.
Creating my course, How to Teach IELTS –The Ultimate IELTS Teacher Training Bootcamp–, working with some lovely happy troopers in it, learning a bit about copy writing and content marketing (…and the world of LinkedIn) have all been fascinating, STIMULATING new GIFTS this year.
I love thinking, creating, collaborating, and just generally walking this new path that keeps UNFOLDING right in front of me as I walk! :O <3
Thank you for being ‘in my world’!!
What’s ONE thing you’re grateful for this year in your life?
#showmehow #skillsfirst #IELTSTeacherTrainer #TeachingIELTSafterCELTA