by Fatime Losonci | Enneagram, item writing, Social Emotional Learning
As so many of us, I’m also a self-confessed (autonomous) #learnaholic. And if I had to isolate just ONE ‘hack’ that has made the biggest impact on my development (academic, linguistic, personal) over the years (…decades… –yikes) it...
by Fatime Losonci | Enneagram, item writing, Social Emotional Learning
Hi. I’m Fatime. I’m an ELT teacher trainer, author, item writer, academic manager and SEL coach. Check out my • latest CV here • free IELTS Teacher Training Masterclass here • IELTS Teacher Training courses here • blog here...
by Fatime Losonci | bespoke, Cambridge Delta, CPD, feedback, general, item writing, learner autonomy, lesson planning
And these have been some of my most popular CPD blog entries, mostly on #lessonplanning, #CambridgeDeltaModule2, general #CPD, #feedback, #bespoke, #learnerautonomy, and #itemwriting. Enjoy! Experiment! (…Report back! ;)) — — Hi. I’m Fatime....
by Fatime Losonci | Cambridge Delta, CPD, item writing
A Few Other Considerations When Writing Assessment Items: Anything else you’d add to this list? — — Hi. I’m Fatime. I’m an IELTS Teacher Trainer, helping CELTA-qualified English language teachers become better at teaching SKILLS, as...
by Fatime Losonci | CPD, item writing
If you’re new to #assessment and #itemwriting (especially #ELTassessment and #ELTitemwriting), you might want to start by Googling/revising the following key terms and ideas. Core Terms: –reliability (test, scorer/intra-rater vs inter-rater) –validity (face,...
by Fatime Losonci | CPD, item writing
I get asked what the advantages and disadvantages of #itemwriting are a lot. And while I believe that this is a very subjective question, in MY opinion… …the ADVANTAGES of being an item writer are that it · can be intellectually STIMULATING (e.g. to...
by Fatime Losonci | CPD, item writing
The other day we recorded a short video with John Hughes for his and Katherine Bilsborough’s YouTube Channel, Writing ELT Materials on #itemwriting for ELT tests and exams. Much like we had established the 5 key principles typically...
by Fatime Losonci | CPD, item writing
If you’re new to #ELTassessment and #ELTitemwriting, you might find this conversation I had with Jim Fuller on his YouTube Channel, Sponge ELT useful. And because the topic might be quite advanced at first, here’re some scaffolded...