by Fatime Losonci | Enneagram
Are you an #Enneagram Type 6, Type 1 or Type 2, i.e. one of the so-called Compliant Types? If so and if you are also an introvert (…and heaven forbid also a woman…) you might be especially prone to underselling yourself when communicating with, or pitching...
by Fatime Losonci | Enneagram
Which one is usually hardest for you: –self-promoting –prospecting –pitching? Let me know, I might be able to help! 😉 Schedule a free Type and Instinct Exploration Session to discuss the details. — — Hi, I’m Fatime. I talk about...
by Fatime Losonci | Enneagram
Do you realize that some of the typical introvert traits, qualities and skills such as –active/attentive listening –thorough preparation –calmness and rational thinking are actually excellent for leadership? Which of these is your biggest strength? —...
by Fatime Losonci | Enneagram
Do you also like to arrive early to meetings? I always did this my whole life but it wasn’t until I read Jennifer B. Kahnweiler’s book, ‘The Introverted Leader’ that I realized that I (subconsciously) also do this because it helps me to –settle...
by Fatime Losonci | Enneagram
Do you agree that ‘…often it is the quietest people who have the loudest minds…’? (– Jennifer B. Kahnweiler, The Introverted Leader –) What’s on yours today? — — Hi, I’m Fatime. I talk about...
by Fatime Losonci | Enneagram
According to Jennifer B. Kahnweiler, the author of ‘The Introverted Leader’ the 6 key challenges introverts face at work are as follows: –people exhaustion –dealing with a fast pace –getting interrupted –feeling pressure to self-promote –coping...
by Fatime Losonci | Enneagram
In your opinion what’s the main skill of an entrepreneur (compared to an employee or even freelancer)? I start: in my opinion the ability to zoom in and zoom back out effortlessly. To be able to confidently zig-zag between ‘the bigger picture’ in a...
by Fatime Losonci | Enneagram
What are 3 things you invest in, ‘no questions asked’? (Do you have any?) I do, because I think it’s useful to make some of our ‘staple’ decisions in advance like this, so that when in doubt later on, we can more confidently rely on these...