Underselling Yourself?

Are you an #Enneagram Type 6, Type 1 or Type 2, i.e. one of the so-called Compliant Types? If so and if you are also an introvert (…and heaven forbid also a woman…) you might be especially prone to underselling yourself when communicating with, or pitching...

If You Are an Introverted Entrepreneur…

Which one is usually hardest for you: –self-promoting –prospecting –pitching? Let me know, I might be able to help! 😉 Schedule a free Type and Instinct Exploration Session to discuss the details. — — Hi, I’m Fatime.  I talk about...

Leadership Ingredients

Do you realize that some of the typical introvert traits, qualities and skills such as  –active/attentive listening –thorough preparation –calmness and rational thinking are actually excellent for leadership? Which of these is your biggest strength? —...

Arrive Early

Do you also like to arrive early to meetings? I always did this my whole life but it wasn’t until I read Jennifer B. Kahnweiler’s book, ‘The Introverted Leader’ that I realized that I (subconsciously) also do this because it helps me to –settle...

The Loudest Minds

Do you agree that  ‘…often it is the quietest people who have the loudest minds…’? (– Jennifer B. Kahnweiler, The Introverted Leader –) What’s on yours today?  — — Hi, I’m Fatime.  I talk about...

Challenges Introverts Face at Work

According to Jennifer B. Kahnweiler, the author of ‘The Introverted Leader’ the 6 key challenges introverts face at work are as follows: –people exhaustion –dealing with a fast pace –getting interrupted  –feeling pressure to self-promote  –coping...

Micro and Macro

In your opinion what’s the main skill of an entrepreneur (compared to an employee or even freelancer)? I start: in my opinion the ability to zoom in and zoom back out effortlessly. To be able to confidently zig-zag between ‘the bigger picture’ in a...

I Invest in Coaching

What are 3 things you invest in, ‘no questions asked’? (Do you have any?) I do, because I think it’s useful to make some of our ‘staple’ decisions in advance like this, so that when in doubt later on, we can more confidently rely on these...