A friend of mine is teaching IELTS.
And it’s not always smooth sailing…
Working for a better IELTS band score (let alone if it’s in various skills and/or on short notice) is HARD WORK.
It requires real commitment, and bravery…
…to show up to class…
…to do homework…
…to not get disheartened by disappointing results…
And just in general, to be CONSISTENT.
All this requires quite some maturity and character.
That students can’t always muster.
“10.57 am. First lesson with an IELTS student in 3 minutes. Ready to roll. Test in two weeks and a lot at stake. We can do it.
10.58. WhatsApp notification sound. A dreaded sound since I know what it’s about. I don’t need to look at my phone. Lesson cancelled.
11.00 So, it’ll be 90 minutes of working for me instead. Ok, I can cope with that. Or not?
Freelancing is a choice I sometimes question because of my need for structure. Not that I don’t manage to give myself one, but it takes a lot of time and energy, so I sometimes long for routine, thinking I could have that as an employee. But would I be able to keep my independence, at least to the extent I need to deliver to the best of my abilities? How can self-management, continuity, and a certain amount of routine coexist in freelancing?”
I really empathize with my friend, and teachers in general trying to deal with cancellations. Been there, done that; it’s TRICKY.
I also believe that if WE improve OUR game and reputation as successful IELTS teachers, WE get to dictate the terms more confidently as to WHO we take on, and how.
I used to charge a month ahead, and I had a strict 24-hour cancellation policy.
What are YOUR ‘terms and conditions’?
(Not sure how to stand out from the IELTS teaching crowd? DM me if you’d like a few quick tips! ;))
#showmehow #skillsfirst #IELTSTeacherTrainer #TeachingIELTSafterCELTA